Coordinated polishing paste sets for a shiny stainless steel polish
To achieve a shiny mirror finish on stainless steel surfaces, it is crucial to carry out stainless steel polishing in several coordinated polishing steps. It is important to gradually refine the polishing pastes in combination with the discs in order to achieve the desired result.
Systematic polishing with Menzerna stainless steel polishing pastes
Bitte nutzen Sie unseren intelligenten Produktfilter, um das passende Polierpastenset für Ihr Projektziel auszuwählen. Unsere Polierpastensets beinhalten ausschließlich das hochwertige Premium-Polierpastensystem von Menzerna, das speziell für die Edelstahlpolitur entwickelt wurde. In our practical tips you will find further information on the technical background for professional polishing of stainless steel surfaces.
Three-piece superfinish set | Stainless steel
- Main polish 333 | Green
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow
Two-piece high-gloss set | Stainless steel
- Main polish 333 | Green
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
Four-piece complete superfinish set | Stainless steel
- Pre-polish 439T | Light green
- Main polish 333 | Green
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow
Three-piece high-gloss set | Stainless steel
- Pre-polish 439T | Light green
- Main polish 333 | Green
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
Three-piece superfinish set | Stainless steel
Small container 250 g
- Main polish P164 | Light blue
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow
Two-piece high-gloss set | Stainless steel
Small container 250 g
- Main polish P164 | Light blue
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
Four-piece superfinish set | Stainless steel
Small container 250 g
- Pre-polish 439T | Light green
- Main polish P164 | Light blue
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow
Three-piece high-gloss set | Stainless steel
Small container 250 g
- Pre-polish 439T | Light green
- Main polish P164 | Light blue
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
Two-piece superfinish set | Stainless steel
Small container 250 g
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow
Two-piece superfinish set | Stainless steel
- High gloss paste P126 | Pink
- Superfinish Paste P175 | Yellow